Study: Sleeping with the TV switched on promotes Obesity

Sleeping with lights or TV makes you fat

In a new study has shown that Sleep is associated with the TV switched on, or artificial light with a weight gain in women. To turn Off the light source during the night can reduce the risk for Obesity.

Impact on sleep

That TV has an influence on our sleep and health, is known for a long time. For example, German health experts said that about every second adult is sleeping because the TV is too little. And British scientists, a study that came to the conclusion, as published, that is a separate TV in the bedroom Obesity in children promotes. Even if not on the screen is available, may affect the TV seems to be a negative impact on the weight. This was found out by American researchers now.

A new study suggests that Sleep promotes with the TV switched on, or light the weight gain in women. (Image: drubig-photo/

Risk factor for weight gain

According to scientists at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) may be Sleeping with the TV switched on, or the light in the room a risk factor for weight gain or obesity.

This is the result of the scientists in a study published in the journal “JAMA Internal Medicine”.

As stated in a notice from the NIH, the scientific work is the first that has found a connection between nighttime artificial lighting, and weight gain in women.

The results indicate that the turning Off the light before bedtime may reduce the likelihood that women will be overweight.

Data from over 40,000 women analyzed

To reach their conclusions, the researchers analyzed questionnaire data from 43.722 women aged 35 to 74 years.

The questionnaire asked whether the women slept, without a light, with a small night light, light outside the room or with the light or television in the room.

The researchers compared data on weight, waist and hip circumference and Body Mass Index (BMI), were collected at the beginning of the study, as well as to the Follow-up five years later.

Based on this information, the team of researchers, obesity and weight gain could examine in women that were exposed at night in artificial light, and with women who reported sleeping in a dark room, to compare.

Negative effects due to artificial light during sleep

The results varied with the degree of artificial light.

For example, the use of a small night-light was not associated with weight gain, while women who slept with the light or television, had increased in the follow-up period with a 17% higher probability of five kilograms.

The Association with light from outside the room was according to the authors, modest.

The scientists wondered whether the results could have to do with the women get light enough rest.

“Although poor sleep was associated with obesity and weight gain, he explained the links between artificial light while sleeping, and weight,” said study author Dale Sandler of the NIH.

The co-author Chandra Jackson added that many of the people who live in urban environments, at night, often exposed to light, and street lamps, neon signs and other light sources of the sleep hormone Melatonin and the natural 24-hour Light-Dark cycle, under press.

“Humans are adapted genetically to a natural environment, the light and the night of darkness is during the day from the sun,” says Jackson.

“The nighttime exposure to artificial light can alter hormones and other biological processes in a way that increases the risk for health problems such as obesity.”

Other factors could explain the connection

The authors restrict that other confounding factors could explain the Association between artificial light at night and weight gain.

However, factors such as age, socio-economic Status, calorie consumption and physical activity had no influence on the results.

It was noted also that the study loss no men to screw.

The lead author, Yong-Moon (Mark) Park, a postdoctoral fellow in the Sandler group, concluded:

“Unhealthy, high-calorie diet and lack of exercise are the most frequently mentioned factors to the continuing rise in obesity to explain.”

And: “This study underlines the importance of artificial light in the night, and there are women who sleep with the light or television, a way to improve your health.” (ad)

Links to the original publications

Association of Exposure to Artificial Light at Night While Sleeping With Risk of Obesity in Women

Sleeping with artificial light at night is associated with weight gain in women