Boob Sweat Liners Are The Workout Essential We Didn’t Ask For But Definitely Need

Just like finding stray nipple hairs, boob sweat is one of those truly unpleasant side effects of being a woman that no one really talks about. Alas, it happens to the best of us (especially, large breasted ladies) which is why one UK maternity company is currently making a motza.

Introducing: the Belly Bandit, aka The Boob Sweat Catcher.

Essentially, it’s exactly what it sounds like: a super absorbent liner made from bamboo that sits directly under the wire of your bra. It’s one-size-fits-all, has no hooks or straps and promises to soak up any wetness while simultaneously preventing chafing.

Here’s a helpful diagram for those wondering how it works:

Worth noting: the Belly Bandit comes in four colours (black, nude, white and pink) meaning you can literally wear one at all times without your mates noticing (including during workouts). Oh, and did we mention the four-star rating average on Amazon?

“[It’s] everything a woman could dream of in the summer heat, or anytime if she is experiencing menopause. It wicks moisture away from your body and stores it in its core, whilst simultaneously softening the feel of bra underwires digging into you,” one review reads. “I guess I will have to get a few more because I don’t intend to use a bra without a Belly Bandit ever again.”

And another: “Without exaggerating, it has been a life-changer. Now, I no longer have to change my bra several times a day, but just change the bra liner.”

Unfortch the neat contraption is currently sold out via the Belly Bandit website, but if you’re quick you’ll be able to nab one on Amazon for less than $40.

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