Tönnies-employees should be escaped from quarantine many Deaths feared

The corona onset in the Slaughterhouse Tönnies is growing: there are Now more than 1000 corona cases were known. All of the workers were put into home quarantine, whole streets have been blocked. But, apparently, all do not keep to the conditions, according to the “image” that was on the phone with some of the workers.

Therefore, many employees from Eastern Europe escaped from the quarantine and in the home to be traveled. Already on Saturday the employees in the cars and mini-buses are to be executed. Also, local residents report that would have emptied the quarantined properties is obvious. The newspaper quoted a local resident who claims to have seen men with travelling bags were increased in Vans and Packed cars. Official confirmations, there is not.


Why are so many people in the UK die of Corona

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Meanwhile, European politicians are dealing with the case. According to the health policy spokesman of the EPP group in the European Parliament, Peter Liese, was the Corona outbreak in the district of Gütersloh to the currently largest in the EU. Therefore, he calls for far-reaching measures. “In my opinion, this outbreak is by tracking of individual cases, not more narrow,” says Liese on the image”-newspaper. “We need measures for the General population, not only in the district of Gütersloh, but also at least in an area of 30 kilometres around the operation.” According to the European politicians had already come to a two-digit number of patients in the clinics. He expected that the infection will happen has existed for two weeks. “We have to expect a significant number of dead,” says Liese.

On Saturday, the meat establishment has been closed for 14 days, at that time, of 1029 employees have been tested positive for the Virus. The government intends to consult on Sunday for more action. Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), who spoke from the largest outbreak in North Rhine-Westphalia, does not preclude a regional Lockdown.

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