The cap meeting in the municipality of Gangelt, in the district of Heinsberg will go down in history. In any case, in the history of science. On The Weekend Of 14./15. February is not celebrated, the inhabitants here, only beer and wine, they danced together, hugged and kissed. From this session, believe scientists and politicians, took the evil to run its course. The Corona Virus spread rapidly and infected so many of the residents, the Robert-Koch Institute, classified the land in North Rhine-Westphalia as the “especially affected area”. It is considered the first large-scale infection area in Germany.
It is precisely here that virologists at the University of Bonn to set now. Under the leadership of Professor Hendrik Streeck, 42, examine in a unique field trial, the residents of Heinsberg. In the municipality of Gangelt you have built your provisional research centre. Streeck considers the municipality to be “unique”. Shortly after the first Corona to be-If castle, the district reduced the schools, public life was, sooner than elsewhere to a Minimum. The Heins Berger remained among themselves.
And that’s what makes it so interesting for researchers: The “Heinsberg-log”, as they call their study could give information on the exact routes of Transmission of the Virus and they could help to define the measures after the Lockdown. 1000 people take part in the study. Or, more importantly, for Streeck and his interdisciplinary Team of over 60 employees, 300 households. Because it is, simply put, find out who has had with whom and what to contact on the said carnival session. And how is the Transmission in the families exactly delivery.
In Heinsberg is tested, as durchseucht the Republic – and the Numbers give hope
How widespread the corona virus?
To Streeck is that, once back to the suspected outbreak of the evening: “together they Sat, they danced together? Have you used the washroom? What made the people different, not infected?” And, of particular importance: “How high the dark figure is?” In the last week, the scientists were able to interview 30 households. In the coming weeks, with the first results from the meticulous surveys published.
In addition, the positively tested persons (as of December 31, were. March in the district: 1307 to Covid-19 ill persons, 609 recover, 37 died) asked not to clean their home. A Team of hygienists since the beginning of the study in the homes of the samples. You want to know: “Where is the Virus? How long time is it?” (Viruses are not living things, they need a host).
Especially door handles, glass surfaces and remote controls, are investigated. The assumption: On surfaces, the Virus is not so dangerous as in the case of droplet infection by coughing. And on rough surfaces, “dies”, the Virus significantly faster than on smooth surfaces. “But we don’t know at this early stage of the study, still”, dims of the study, head of the expectations. On demand Streeck winds almost, because he does not want to be misunderstood. “We have found genetic Material on surfaces, there were culturing in the laboratory. This could mean that it is so infectious.”
Streeck: “Without data, we don’t come here more”
In addition to the question of why some family members of the infected and the other not, is of interest to the researchers, the underreporting of the Infected. This could give an indication of the level of infection. “Which measures are useful? How exactly can you protect vulnerable groups?” Streeck trying to find in the Small, which measures, for Germany or Europe, are useful, or even useless. “Without data, we don’t come here more,” he says.
There is also a pressure on him, laste he now freely admits. He wants to collect high-speed facts, evaluate, and publish. The risk of a possible misinterpretation always holds.
Especially in the science world that the Prime Minister, Armin Laschet, the first gets the results of the research: “He is our Client,” explains the virologist. The criticism from the colleagues of no concern to the researchers, however, at the Moment, so much. He wants to quickly Express recommendations for action, which are fed with data. And he wants to act completely transparent. In the case of Twitter, all Interested parties can follow #Heinsberg Protocol of the study, as well as on Facebook, or on the side of his Institute.