TikTok is the 'worst app for a good night's sleep'

We all know that staring at our phones right before we try to go to sleep is a bad idea. But some apps are actually worse for you than others.

TikTok has been revealed as the ‘most disruptive app’ to our sleep cycle in a new study, suggesting users should avoid it at bedtime if they want to drift off easily.

A sleep science and review platform – Sleep Junkie – has revealed which apps are worst for sleep quality, after a survey of more than 2,000 members of the public found that 78% admit to ‘revenge sleep procrastination’ – using their phones right up until they go to sleep.

A separate study of 128 members of the public revealed that TikTok is the worst app for sleep quality with participants taking one hour and seven minutes to fall asleep after using the app, and spending just 14% of their sleep cycle in REM after using the video app, which is almost half of the recommended amount for a healthy adult.

Those who had no electronic engagement and spent 23% in REM. 

Why is REM sleep so important? REM sleep is the deep stage of sleep during which our bodies physically repair. If we have had lots of deep sleep during the night we tend to wake up reporting that we feel much more refreshed. REM sleep should make up between 20-25% of our night.

TikTok may be the worst culprit for impacting our amount of REM sleep, but it isn’t the only app.

After using Instagram, participants spent 15.5% of their night in REM sleep, and it took them 58 minutes to drift off.

Snapchat users got 16% REM sleep in the night, and fell asleep after 56 minutes.

Using Twitter right before bed will result in 18% of your sleep being REM, and users took 50 minutes to fall alseep.

And Facebook users got 19.5% REM sleep and needed 45 minutes to get to sleep.

So, why are social media apps so bad for our sleep cycle?

Experts think it is largely down to the blue light emitted from your phone screen, which increases your alertness and results in above average falling asleep times.

Blue light stimulates the brain and reduces natural melatonin production, increasing tiredness, and in turn decreasing the amount of time spent in the REM phase of sleep, which can lead to adverse implications on physical and mental health.

However, researchers of this study believe social media apps like TikTok are especially bad as they encourage the release of adrenaline and dopamine, giving us energy and a ‘happy’ feeling.

They say this could be why many of us choose them as our means of ‘revenge sleep procrastination’, even though we know they don’t help us to unwind before bed.

How to improve your sleep hygiene in 2022

Cut down on electronics before bed

The blue light emitted from electronics blocks melatonin release and alters your circadian rhythm cycle, raising blood sugar levels and lowering leptin levels (the hormone affecting your appetite). We suggest putting your electronics away at least 30 minutes before bed to avoid sleep deprivation. Instead, try reading a book or taking deep breaths to wind down.

If you use your cell phone as your alarm, it’s tempting to scroll through it before going to bed since it’s sitting right there. Instead, consider using a traditional alarm clock and place your phone outside of your bedroom at night.

Limit vigorous exercise at night

Even 10 minutes of exercise a day can improve sleep quality, but timing is crucial and working up a sweat before bed releases endorphins and raises cortisol levels, leaving your body alert and wide awake.

Schedule intense exercise at least three hours before bed so you have enough time to relax afterward, and if you can only exercise at night, stick to light stretching and walking.

Don’t eat a lot late at night

Eating late at night can cause indigestion and heartburn, leaving you uncomfortable and in pain. Acidic, spicy, sugary, and salty foods are likely to keep you awake, so avoid them before bed. ]

Enjoy heavier meals earlier in the day so your body has time to digest and metabolize the food.

Avoid caffeine in the evening

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, black and green teas, soda, and energy drinks are notorious for inhibiting sleep. They’re stimulants meant to keep you awake, so don’t drink them late at night.

Drinking coffee is helpful when you’re feeling groggy in the morning, but remember – caffeine doesn’t eliminate fatigue – it only temporarily relieves it.

Think about consistency

Following a sporadic sleep schedule is tough on your body and may mess up your circadian rhythm. If you barely sleep during the workweek, only to sleep all weekend, your body clock falls out of line.

Build a schedule to ensure you sleep around seven-nine hours per night. Try sleeping and waking up within the same 30 minutes every day, even on weekends.

Make your bedroom a haven

Sleeping in a noisy, bright, or hot bedroom is disruptive and makes falling asleep difficult.

Ideally, your bedroom should be between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit and, if needed, add blackout curtains to your bedroom, and wear earplugs. This way, your bedroom can be a quiet and dark oasis.

Sleep Junkies

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