Help your heart, joints, metabolism and sleep with one simple daily activity

A fitness expert has revealed seven benefits to taking a daily stroll.

There’s no doubt that physical movement can slash your risk of many serious health problems, but you don’t need expensive gym memberships or equipment to reap the benefits.

Jess Suthard, personal trainer from Goal Plans powered by MuscleFood, said: “They may not seem very beneficial but our steps are really important.

“Not only is it a really easy way to get some exercise to help reach fitness goals, but it’s also a fantastic way to keep your heart happy and your mind relaxed.

“For most of us getting our steps in can be easily done whether that’s on our commute to work or doing the school run.”

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If you spend most of your time sitting, whether that’s thanks to your desk job or daily downtime by the TV, the expert recommended nipping out and taking a stroll.

Even as little as just 20 minutes outside could offer some positive health benefits.

1. Improve your heart health

Regular strolls could improve your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, paving the way to better heart health.

2. Boost your mood

Walking releases happy hormones, known as endorphins, which can help boost your mood. 

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“Spending time in nature is also believed to help lift our mood by making us feel more relaxed,” Suthard added.

3. Increase your metabolism

If you continue the walking habit, you will increase your metabolism overtime which will make your body more efficient at burning calories in your day-to-day life even when you’re not active, the expert explained.

4. Improve digestion

Taking a stroll can help stimulate your intestines which could help prevent digestive issues by helping food move through your digestive system.

5. Lower anxiety and stress

Suthard explained that consistent walking has proven to help those dealing with anxiety and stress. 

“This makes it a great activity to do in lunches and work breaks to allow your mind to refocus,” she added.

6. Sleep better

Similarly to other exercises, walking can help promote better slumber and it could also reduce the time you spend laying in bed trying to doze off.

7. Improve joint health

Considered a low-impact activity, walking can be gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people with arthritis. 

“It will help keep your joints flexible and improve your overall bone health,” the expert added.

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