Four steps for men when it comes to checking testicles for cancer symptoms

Testicular Cancer: Expert details main sign and symptoms

Testicular cancer usually affects men between the ages of 15-49, although can affect men at any age, and around 2,300 men are diagnosed with it in the UK every year.

The most common symptoms of testicular cancer are a lump or swelling in part of one of the testicles, a testicle that gets bigger, a heavy scrotum or discomfort, dragging sensation or pain in the testicle or scrotum.

Checking testicles regularly will help give a better idea of their usual look and feel so if there are any changes, they’re noticed.

Dr Luke Powles, Associate Clinical Director at Bupa Health Clinics, shared the best way to check for testicular cancer symptoms in four easy steps.

1. Stand in front of the mirror

Check if you can see anything unusual like any swelling on the skin.

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2. Feel the size and weight of each testicle

Dr Powles said: “You may notice that one testicle is larger or hangs lower than the other. This is completely normal.”

3. Get to know the feel of your testicles by rolling each one between your fingers and thumb

Dr Powles said: “They should feel smooth, without any lumps or swellings.”

4. Compare your testicles with each other

Get to know any differences between them, said Dr Powles.

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The best time to carry out these steps, according to Dr Powles, is while you’re in the shower or bath, or just afterwards.

This is because the warmth will relax your scrotum and make it easier to feel anything unusual.

He advised: “It is important that men are regularly checking their testicles for any changes, such as a lump or change in size. It’s all about knowing what is normal to you, and if you notice any changes, make sure you see a doctor who will do an examination to help determine if you need further tests or to see a specialist to rule out cancer.

“We know that men often find it difficult to open up about their health, particularly when it is intimate, but seeking help as soon as possible leads to anything being caught and treated quickly. The most important thing if you are worried, please seek help.”

It’s important to note symptoms of testicular cancer can also be symptoms of other conditions, which is why it’s important to see a doctor if you notice any changes to your testicles.

If you’re concerned about any lump, contact your GP for advice.

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