Covid: The ‘very common’ symptom striking after a ‘good night’s sleep’ as UK cases soar

Omicron: Another 'more infectious variant will come' says doctor

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Covid is spreading rampantly in the UK. Official data shows 2.7 million people in private households are estimated to have had COVID-19 over the past week, up 18 percent from 2.3 million the previous week. As broad swathes of the British public become infected, attention has once again pivoted to the symptoms of COVID-19.

There are a plethora of symptoms and they have changed in nature as successive variants have taken hold.

However, one consistently reported symptom of Covid is fatigue and it lingers long after the infection has disappeared.

That’s the conclusion of findings gathered by Your COVID Recovery – an online interactive platform for patients with post-Covid syndrome.

The feeling of fatigue after exercise or a long period of concentration is a familiar gripe.

Sometimes, however, fatigue can be felt in a way that does not seem normal.

“Despite resting, and a good night’s sleep, fatigue occurs after minimal effort, is prolonged and limits your usual activity,” explains Your Covid Recovery.

According to the health platform, it can leave people feeling dull and finding it difficult to concentrate and recall memories.

“Fatigue is very common after viral infections, such as Covid and normally it settles after two or three weeks. However, in some people it can linger for weeks or months.”

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Other telltale signs of Covid include:

  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat.

UK latest

The current rise in cases is putting pressure on UK health authorities to act.

House of Lords health minister Lord Kamall was asked on Monday what the Government was prepared to do if rising cases began to impact the health system.

He told peers the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) was still “focusing on the backlog”.

But he added: “If it gets to a point where it is affecting the backlog then clearly measures may well have to be introduced.”

The minister had earlier told peers: “We continue to see COVID-19 case rates and hospitalisations rising in all age groups, with the largest increases in hospitalisations and ICU admissions in those aged 75 and older.

“The largest proportion of those hospitalised are for reasons other than Covid, however Covid is identified due to the increasing case rates in the community and the high rate of testing in hospital, including among those with no respiratory systems.

“Current data does not point to cases becoming more severe.”

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When asked what steps the Government is taking to mitigate the impact of the current wave, the minister said: “We are always ready to stand up measures should the case rates rise so much that our health system was under pressure, but also what we have managed to do is break the link between infections and hospitalisations, and hospitalisations and death.

“If that gets out of control then of course we will stand up the measures that we have previously.”

Liberal Democrat peer Lord Paddick wanted to know if the Government would reintroduce free Covid tests for everyone in England and financial support for those who self-isolate.

Lord Kamall said some in the health system believed future Covid cash would be “better spent elsewhere given the backlog due to lockdown” rather than on free tests for all.

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