Abolishing the time change has negative consequences for children

Disadvantages of a permanent summer time?

In the near future, the changeover between summer and winter time should be abolished. It is expected that this will happen at the earliest in 2021, because a number of EU countries require for the preparation of this conversion even more time. Some experts fear that such a conversion have a negative impact on the health of our children.

In the year 2018, there was an online survey of the European Union, which showed that a majority of over 80 per cent of the total of 4.6 million Participants called for the abolition of the time change. Actually, it was planned by the EU Commission, the abolition of time to implement the changeover in the year 2019. The member States need more time for such a transition.

There will soon be no permanent time change between winter time and summer time? (Image: Thomas Reimer – fotolia)

When is the permanent time change to summer time?

Apparently, the end of the current time changeover can be implemented now only in the year 2021. For this time, the transport Committee in the European Parliament in Brussels had voted against it on Monday, with 23 votes in favour and eleven votes. In the next few weeks a vote in the European Parliament is now planned, then the EU will need to confirm the States of the plans. In the EU Parliament, according to the CDU members of the European Parliament Peter Liese, a clear majority for the abolition of the time change. Nevertheless, it is still unknown, for what term the members will vote. The Commission calls for the year 2019. The Parliament’s preferred 2020 and of the transport Committee seems to be for the year 2021.

Countries can want zone choose the time in which they stay

The lack of coordination between the EU member States leads to problems. The Plan of the EU Commission, foresees that each country can want to decide what time zone it will remain permanently. This would allow, for example, Germany applies a different decision than the people in France do. What would cause both countries are in different time zones.

More time is needed

The Deputy Chairman of the transport Committee, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch of the CDU, told the Bild newspaper: “The member States need more time to transition and coordinate to prepare. The aim is to avoid a patchwork quilt. For this reason, we should them this time, and the compromise support, even if I wished I had, that we the long-unnecessary Turning of the clock already this year put an end to.“

Decisive Vote At The End Of March?

Most likely, the decisive vote by the EU Parliament at the end of March. “In March or April it goes directly to a vote in the plenary so that Parliament can still close before the elections in the first reading. In the autumn can then start the trilogue negotiations. This is a three-way Meeting between the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament“, – said the politician Michael Cramer of the Greens in the picture newspaper.

Disadvantages for our children through the transition to summer time?

Of course, all the people are not for a permanent move in the summer time. For example, the German teachers ‘ Association to be feared for such a change to health hazards for students. “The probability for sleep and learning problems, depression and Diabetes, and is proven to massively erhöht“, President Heinz-Peter Meidinger, said on Tuesday in Berlin. Further, he spoke at the Federal government for the prevention of the potential introduction of permanent daylight saving time in Germany. He pointed, for example, increasing accident risks, because millions of students would have to cope with your morning way to school two months longer in total darkness. However, there are also the assumptions that the displacement of the circadian rhythms in the time change also increased accidents threaten. (as)