Rita Ora: The secret behind your comfortable weight

Abdominal muscles, muscular arms and a defined Po – this is in addition to the wonderful, soulful voice, the hallmark of Rita Ora.

Whether in music videos, on the red carpet or on her Instagram Account, The singer shows that she feels in her body around well.

Posing confidently in a Bikini, for the singer is no longer a Problem.

In an Interview with InTouch, you admitted that you "always these one or two kilos too much on the Hüften" wanted to get rid of, and revealed in an interview how she managed in the end.

Natural Sweetness and protein

The British line only once, Fast Food, chocolate, sugar in General, and bread out of your diet. Instead, it relies on natural Sweetness and protein-rich diet.

Land as often chicken, eggs and salmon are often on the plate, the delivers in addition to Protein and valuable Omega-3 fatty acids. As a Supplement to Rita always chooses salad or plenty of vegetables.

And what the singer makes, when the little hungry between meals? Quite simple: vegetable sticks and low fat curd cheese Dip – the ultimate low-calorie, low protein Snack for on the go.

Crisp Sports Program

The Workouts of the Pop singer are made up of complex whole-body Exercises, which take up several muscle groups at once. Squats, Push-ups, Planks and Burpees are never.

The Exercises that Rita performs as a sweaty circuit training.


A contribution split from RITA ORA (@ritaora) on

If you lack Motivation to the Sport, looks at you like photos of Jennifer Lopez or Kate Beckinsale. Both women are, in spite of higher age, fit and toned – a true Inspiration for Ora.

The fun never comes too short

In the case of all discipline, the successful British still value Balance and fun. From previous errors, she learned.

"I have always trained until I was sick. Now I do it differently, I enjoy the Workout.", you told the American 'Shape'.

That’s the point actually: Sporty well-being – without any pressure and Stress.


  • Radio Hamburg (2019): Rita Ora: the &quot holds;Your Song"-A singer fit, archived from the original on 21.11.2019. https://www.radiohamburg.de/VIP/VIP-News/Stars-international/2019/November/Das-Ernaehrungs-Trainingsprogramm-Rita-Ora-So-haelt-die-Your-Song-Saengerin-sich-fit
  • O'Brien, Pam (2018): How Rita Ora Completely Revamped Her Workout and Eating Plan, retrieved on 21.11.2019. https://www.shape.com/celebrities/videos/how-rita-ora-completely-revamped-her-workout-and-eating-plan

Laura Hindelang

*The post “Rita Ora: The secret behind your comfortable weight” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.