High cholesterol: The foods that ‘trap cholesterol particles’ to lower levels

Dr Chris reveals how eyes can indicate high cholesterol levels

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“They can be of varying size and found anywhere on the body,” she added.

These “disfiguring” cholesterol deposits under the skin can even appear on the eyelids.

To help prevent symptoms of high cholesterol – not to mention the risk to life – Doctor Dehghan expands on helpful dietary choices.

“Fibre-rich foods can lower your LDL [low-density lipoprotein] cholesterol, the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol,” said Doctor Dehghan.

These “disfiguring” cholesterol deposits under the skin can even appear on the eyelids.

“Fibre cannot be digested by humans and therefore is not absorbed.”

Doctor Dehghan elaborated: “There are two types, soluble and insoluble fibre.

“The cholesterol-lowering benefits are due to soluble fibre.

“Soluble fibre traps cholesterol particles and prevents them from being absorbed.”

Plant foods, for example, contain both types of fibre, but some are richer in soluble fibres than others.

Thus, the best fibre-rich foods to eat in order to lower cholesterol levels include:

  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Apples
  • Pears.

The leading cholesterol charity Heart UK cautioned that most people “don’t eat enough” fibre.

Eating more fibre not only helps to lower cholesterol levels, it can also help to minimise the risk of disease.

To be specific, eating more fibre can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

Moreover, research shows that people who consume more fibre also have lower blood pressure.

Fibre is a key ingredient as it can help people to feel fuller for longer.

As such, consuming a high-fibre diet helps to prevent a person from overeating.

By reducing the amount of food consumed, a person is more likely to have a healthy weight.

“Fibre may also be a marker for an overall healthy diet,” the charity added.

“If your diet contains a lot of fibre, it’s likely that you’re eating lots of plant foods.

“Plant foods contain “important nutrients for heart health, such as vitamins, minerals, [and] antioxidants”.

How to increase fibre intake

One of the easiest ways to incorporate more fibre into your diet is to have a high-fibre breakfast cereal.

To add extra fibre, top cereal with fresh fruit, dried fruit, seeds, or nuts.

Leila Dehghan, MD, MSc, ANutr, is a doctor turned nutritionist.

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