The case had nationwide caused a stir, but the leaders remain hard Even after a round of talks, the Kindergarten is in Bissingen (district of Dillingen) not of his ban, a cake from home to bring.
Director Bettina Konrad explained the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Thursday): “The cupcake ban remains in place.” The mayor, the nursery Manager and the parents ‘ Council had met on Tuesday evening to find a solution, the final decision was made on Wednesday. For the ban you’ve decided your Team, and that the issue should be settled permanently, said Kindergarten Director Konrad. “We have really no other problems? It’s only cake. The children lack nothing.“
The case had hit the headlines. The establishment had decided that the children bring in the future, on their birthdays cakes from home and the other children are allowed to distribute. Some parents had expressed hygiene concerns. Other parents were then collected signatures against the cake ban.
In a conversation between parents, daycare and municipality in the past week, it had, according to father "constructive Lösungsansätze" to allow about, at least for fruit or pretzels from the bakery. Kita-management and carrier had requested after this cooling-off period, but is now advised to stay with your decision.
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